19 July 2007
Madonna and Child

Yes, this is one of my favourites as far as 'arte povera' is concerned. What do one mean by 'arte povera'? It is art done with canny cynicism, trying to show a hidden statement, and using 'poor discarded material' found easily anywhere.
How many times did we complain about the environment? How many times did we complain about the artificiality of life as depicted by the media? We complain of hub hazard building, design. We complain of 'plastic' ideas, whitewash talk, and rubbish everywhere. I imagine all this in this image of two innocent persons, a mother and a child, who are the victims of this 'crazy' world of ours.
Wish I will have the time, the material, the keen mood of cynicism and pun again, to do so many of these. I need to express all my concern and all my feelings through this medium. Alas .....
By the way, this work was given to the Museum of Fine Arts in the eighties and I hope that when a Museum of Modern Art is opened in a dreamy future, this work will give its 'meaning' to the public again. Will I still be alive?
Mixed Media - 3'x2'
Senglea Sea Front

An art work is the result of balance of space, matching with impressive colours and internal spiritual harmony. In this work in acrylic, a fresh look is applied to the subject and
adding a baggage of personal thoughts and feelings, this product has been exhibited a few years back.
Size 20''x16''
Medium: Acrylic